
UNICORN was founded in March 1995 by the seventeen-year-old Joey Hexacon, who made the first song ”Pinball” on a friend’s synth, a Roland XP-50 during that spring. Freddie Althén joined UNICORN the same year.

The following year, Joey and Freddie wrote the song “TimeTraveler” together, where Freddie mainly contributed the lyrics to the second verse. However, Freddie dropped out of UNICORN before graduating from high school in the spring of 1997.

In 2002 * UNICORN made a remake of “TimeTraveler” as a Eurodance version – and in 2003 – a trance version: “2003 dream Female vocal trance” = the “Radio Edit” version, at Spotify etc.

* = At this time UNICORN had now been around for seven years, and Joey applied for trademark protection for UNICORN as a stage name for music. It was investigated by the Swedish Patent Office, and granted with patent no: 35 99 77 and 62 59 16. Hence the addition ™ .

Between 2006 and 2020, Joey focused more on writing the book “Enter Terrainia” than on UNICORN, but in 2014 he wrote the song “Leaving Neverland”.

In 2020, Joey started the company ”UNICORN productions”, with the purpose of building a serious music creation business. The main focus is to produce and release music with a vibe of the 90s/00s.

In 2023, Joey studied at the University of Gothenburg to become a formally music producer.

The Team

At the university Joey did some group works with the music producer Elin, born in 2002. After school, they have kept in touch.

At the same time, a collaboration with Linus at “Kofotstudios” was started.

The ”voice of UNICORN” is Caroline, born in 1981. She has been UNICORN’s voice since the first songs.

These cooperations has continued, and all of the above are a valued “team” of UNICORN cooperation partners.

COVER ART for the album covers

UNICORN has chosen to invest a lot in the album covers, so that they, in parallel with the music, should be art in themselves.

  • The symbol image is called “Facets” and is painted by the fantasy artist “Susan Dawe” and she has licensed the rights for the image to UNICORN.
  • The cover of the single “Pinball” is specified and purchased by UNICORN and hand painted by the artist BembiAnn. (The same who painted the book cover for “Enter Terrainia”, written by Joey Hexacon).
  • The cover of the upcoming single “Welcome to the 90s” is painted by the fantasy artist “Rodney Matthews” in the 90s, who has licensed the image “The Rainbow room” to UNICORN. Curious thing: this picture was the cover of the mail-order magazine “Skivor & band” (Records and cassettes) in Sweden in the 90s, and the painting ”in the picture” exists as an independent work (Mirador) by Rodney Matthews.
  • The covers for “TimeTraveler”, ”IceCream” and for the Spotify playlist “Top 30 – Timeless Female vocal Trance and pop!are made with AI. AI is avoided by UNICORN in all music creation process, but regarding album covers, and mastering, some exceptions are made.
  • The cover for ”Leaving Neverland” – (It’s Smögen in my dreams tonight), is a photo of the lighthouse on Hållö, with the island of Smögen in the distant background.